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Stop Talking

Blog|News, News
Stop Talking Those who know don’t speak. Those who speak do not know. – Lao Tzu We talk too much. We give opinions on things we know little about and…

Avoid pain at all costs 😖

Blog|News, News
AVOID PAIN AT ALL COSTS We are always chasing this imagined idealistic rainbow of endless happiness, avoiding pain like it’s a COVID hot spot. At some point in history (I…


Blog|News, News
AN OPEN LETTER TO THE BULLIED It’s not you. It’s them. You and everything you do, everything you are, everything you stand for and believe in, is perfectly fine. Unless…

Gettin’ busy

Blog|News, News
Gettin’ Busy Geez didn’t everything get really busy again in what almost felt like overnight! Back to the office, back to after school sport, back to the gym, back to…

Trust The Process

Blog|News, News
Trust The Process “The practice is not the means to the output, the practice IS the output. The practice is all we can control.” – Seth Godin We can’t control the…


Blog|News, News
RESISTANCE IS FUTILE Do you ever notice how some things seem to come into your life coincidentally right when you need them? Or is more likely it that subconsciously you…